SIDRA Institute


Gender Mainstreaming in Puntland Public Institutions – A Case of Ministries of Education, Labor, Health and Planning

This study examined the extent to which gender mainstreaming was carried out in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policy, programs and projects implemented by Puntland Ministries Education; Health; Labor, Youth and Sports; and Planning and International Cooperation. The study aimed to provide insight that can contribute to promote equality among women and men in Puntland. The main methods of the study were in-depth interviews with Ministers, Director Generals, Directors, Gender Focal Points and Technical Advisers and desk review of other secondary data.

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Localizing of SDGs and SDG7 in Puntland

The study was carried out between September 2017 and January 2018 and was organized in three work areas: (i) Explore the environment, challenges and opportunities for localizing SDGs in Puntland; (ii) Generate data and information on the status of SDG 7 and provide the baseline for monitoring future progress on SDG7 in Puntland; and (iii) Based on the results of i and ii, localize SDG goal 7 with the aim of increasing use of solar power in Puntland. Public Surveys, Focus Group Discussions and Key Informant Interviews were conducted at two urban areas (Bosaaso and Garowe) and two rural areas (Ely and Galdogob). A total of 800 participants were engaged at the four locations. Although the study focused on Puntland, considering the similarity between Puntland and the rest of the country in terms of level of institutional and human capacity, evolving governance structure, and social, economic and environment development constrains, it was expected that the results and experience gain would be applicable to the rest of the country within defined scope of application.

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The Gulf Crisis: Why Somalia should take a Critical Distance

To better understand the position the Somali government should take regarding the Gulf crisis, the Somalia Institute for Development and Research Analysis (SIDRA) carried out a policy briefing study in five of the major cities of Somalia (Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa, Garowe and Adado). The study collected data through public surveys and key informant Interviews. For the public interview, 166 respondents were engaged in each city and a total of 830 respondents completed the study questionnaire. 50 key informant interviews were conducted in the five cities.

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Study Report: Somali Female Police Officers

This study was carried out between September and November 2016 in close consultation with Somali police forces (Somali Police Force, Puntland Police Force and Somaliland Police Force), and addressed research questions that relate to female police officers. It covered demographics, strategic targets and initiatives, literacy levels and training, roles and functions, obstacles and perceptions, facilities, and sta development policies. Data was collected from 9 locations across the country, including Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa, Borama, Hargeisa, Burao, Garowe, Bosaaso and Qardho through a public survey, a focus group discussion and key informant interviews. The public survey of the Somali police force was carried out at both federal and state levels using elaborate questionnaires administered to 360 participants. 51 key informants drawn from the police force, civil society, community leaders and government informed this study, and nine focus group discussions were organized at the nine locations, which brought together 161 participants to discuss various issues relating to female police officers in Somalia. The study analysis was organized along seven result areas: (i) Baseline information, (ii) Strategic and operational niches for deployment of female police o cers across Somalia, (iii) Strategic approaches to gender-responsive human resource policies in police forces, (iv) Areas of support and the training needs for female o cers, (v) Challenges and obstacles to female o cers performing their functions, (vi) Development of security plans and operations to prevent and respond to SGBV, and (vii) Women’s participation and representation in the justice and security sector.

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Understanding the Drivers of Drought in Somalia: Environmental Degradation as a Drought Determinant

Drought recurrence is a persistent phenomenon in Somalia. The latest one has continued for the last three years. Although the subdued Gu rains that fell between April and May provided some temporary relive, the depressed nature of this critical precipitation means the country is still experiencing the pangs of the drought to a great extent. At least for the herding community rainfall does not mark the end of drought. Rainfall failure is traditionally viewed as primary cause of a drought shock. Furthermore, overexploitation of natural resources leading to their degradation especially the vegetation cover (trees, grass etc) is a major contributor to drought conditions. The environmental degradation is basically characterized by depleting the natural resources and environmental pollution. These basic problems are themselves driven by population growth, rising urbanization, overgrazing, deforestation, soil erosion and climate change.

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Gender in Higher Education in Puntland: From Accessibility to Creating Supportive Environment for Women in Higher Education and Research

Female educational attainments are associated with women’s capacity to make informed decisions about various aspects of life, including health, marriage, and reproduction. To discuss the challenges and opportunities facing women in higher education and possible solutions, SIDRA arranged a knowledge exchange conference to discuss ‘gender in higher education in Puntland, Somalia on 21-23 November, 2016. This policy brief is based primarily on the output of the conference.

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Women and Value Chain Analysis & Private Sector Development Study in Puntland

The women and value chain analysis and private sector development study was commissioned by a consortium of KAALO Aid and Development Somalia, Forum for Africa Women Educationist (FAWE)Somalia and Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD). It was carried out in January 2017 by Somalia Institute for Development and Research Analysis (SIDRA).

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European Union Somalia Gender Analysis Study

This gender analysis study of Somalia was carried out between October and November 2016 with the aim of providing a foundation for the implementation in Somalia and Somaliland of the EU “Gender Action Plan Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through EU External Relations 2016-2020 (GAP II)”, which has been formally adopted by the Council in October 2015 and which provides the framework for the European Commission’s (EC), the European External Action Services’ (EEAS) and European Member States’ (MS) approach to gender equality through external relations for the period 2016-20.

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2016 Elections in Somalia: The Rise of Somali Women’s New Political Movements

The study entitled ​‘2016 Elections in Somalia – The Rise of the New Somali Women’s Political Movements’ was carried out between September 2015 and April 2016 and looked at how Somali women and Somali women political movements are organizing themselves in anticipation of the political transformations taking place in Somalia including the 2016 Somali elections. The study investigated in details Somali women’s political activism in and out of Somalia including emerging organizations and networks such as online social networks by looking at three study areas and 10 research questions.

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Study Report: Women’s Political Participation in Puntland – Prospects for Progress

This research study was conducted by the Somali Institute for Development and Research Analysis (SIDRA) in partnership with UNDP Somalia. SIDRA Institute is a knowledge-policy interface established to fill the strategic gaps of shaping and dialoguing a wide range of policy agendas and in generating and communicating relevant research findings to policy actors in Somalia. The study aimed at assessing and documenting women’s political participation in Puntland, focusing on the recent political processes while drawing lessons from historical trends and broader societal issues surrounding women’s political participation. The study aimed to provide policy recommendations so as to influence future interventions.

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