In this work, we propose a complete change in direction of the education philosophy and the way educational programmes are conducted in Somalia. Somalia has been struggling – and still does – with a prolonged political and socio-economic instability that has negatively impacted on the provision of education as a whole and the way teaching and learning processes are conducted in particular. As Somalia joined EAC, it is imperative to harmonize the education system in line with the education systems across all member states to facilitate a mutual recognition of qualifications, education programmes which will result in compatible skills and training opportunities. Adopting competency-based learning will require a paradigm shift from the old content and time based educational systems to competencies-driven teaching and learning approaches. The concept of competency based education (CBE) defines the mastery of specific and measureable competencies (a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes) that help learners fulfil their potential and succeed in the future. More specifically, CBE differs from the old traditional education model that it offers personalized learning pathways and flexible progression based on the mastery of core competencies, continuous assessments to track progress and alignment with market and industry needs. The re-structuring of the education system is not without challenges and the contributions of all stakeholders must be accommodated.