SIDRA Institute


SIDRA is a registered non-governmental, not-for-profit institution for research and analysis, policy support, development projects planning, and implementation based in Somalia.

SIDRA provides research, consultancy and project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation services to public and private institutions as well as to international and local non-governmental organisations. It has two independent but interlinked arms of operation and service provision; 1) SIDRA Research Unit, 2) SIDRA Project Implementation Unit.

SIDRA PRIME: Project Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

We provide project management and consultancy services to both government and non-governmental organisations. We take on assignments for government institutions, private sector and local and international partners, ranging from formative project evaluation (baseline studies, needs assessments, capacity needs assessment, feasibility studies, budgeting, etc), programme planning and design, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessments, accountability and learning projects, capacity building and skills training to project implementation.

We ensure that we offer the best project management and consultancy services to meet our partner organizations’ goals, missions and visions. We generate sound consultancy plans which clarify desired outcomes, reinforce common understandings and shared vision.

We provide a clear road-map for effective use of human, material, and financial resources while enabling our partners to track and document progress and successes with measurable indicators. We are keen on ensuring that lessons learnt and best practices from various programmes implemented by our clients and partners are well documented. We use a variety of approaches, methods and tools to carry out effective project/programme design, implementation and results follow up. 

SIDRA PRIME  are currently collaborating with several well-respected development organizations, as shown in the tables below.

These tables summarize the breadth of our development work.

Project Titles
Transforming The Future – For And With Children-NORAD
Implementing Partner in Somalia
The Improved Child Protection Systems Strengthening Project (CPSS)
Save the Children International
Strengthening Equitable Access to Education in Crisis Affected Communities (ECW Puntland Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP)
Implementing partner in Somalia
Save the Children’s & Care International
Technical Assistance for the Capacity Building of Somali Civil Society Organizations
Out sourcing Partner
Program on Enhanced Civil Society Engagement in Somalia (PRECISE)
ADRA & European Union
6 Months
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